© 2004

 National Day of Prayer


Prayer of the Month: by Rev. Billy Graham

"Our Father and Our God,
"We praise You for Your goodness to our nation, giving us blessings far beyond what we deserve.
Yet we know all is not right with America.
We deeply need a moral & spiritual renewal to help us meet the many problems we face.
Convict us of sin. Help us to turn to You in repentance and faith.
Set our feet on the path of Your righteousness and peace.
We pray today for our nation’s leaders.
Give them the wisdom to know what is right, and the courage to do it.
You have said, ‘Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.’
May this be a new era for America, as we humble ourselves and acknowledge You alone as our Savior and Lord.
This we pray in your holy name, Amen."


Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending this prayer to me.
LORD, thank you for those who are reading this right now.
Bless them on their jobs, in their homes, and other locations.
Bless their finances and increase their finances where they may be lacking monies to pay the bills they need to pay.
Bless those who are pregnant that they will have a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Bless the marriages and relationships that need healing, help us to forgive one another.
Bless those who are engaged to be married to establish a strong family bond and bless their lives together.
Bless those who may have thought about committing suicide and give them a new direction in life to want to live.
Bless those children who are missing or who might have been kidnapped. Touch the people who might be in the process of hurting them and reconstruct their hearts and minds; don't let them hurt the children.
LORD, help the fathers that should be taking care of their children to start caring for the children. Enable them to provide money, love and time for the children.
LORD, help us not to tell ANY lies but be truthful. LORD, keep our mouths clean from the use of profanity to enhance conversations and give us a new vocabulary to use.
LORD, bless us in our giving that we may give to those in need.
LORD, help us not to be selfish and always thinking of only ourselves.
Grant those who are traveling, mercies as they travel throughout the day.
LORD, order their steps today, that they may do the things you want them to do.
LORD, let us not complain about this and worry about that. Allow us to concentrate on the things that you would have us to concentrate on.
LORD, give us the knowledge and power to be ready to battle Satan when he attacks from all directions.
Help us to keep your word and live your word everyday that we might please you.
LORD, thank you for this day and everyday In JESUS name we pray, Amen.


- Teach me, my Lord, to be sweet and gentle in all the events of life; in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those I trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied.
- Let me put myself aside, to think of the happiness of others, to hide my little pains and heartaches, so that I may be the only one to suffer from them.
- Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path.
- Let me so use it that it may mellow me, not harden nor embitter me; that it may make me patient, not irritable; that it may make me broad in my forgiveness, not narrow, haughty and overbearing.
- May no one be less good for having come within my influence. No one less pure, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow-traveler in our journey toward Eternal Life.
- As I go my rounds from one distraction to another, let me whisper, from time to time, a word of love to Thee. May my life be lived in the supernatural, full of power for good, and strong in its purpose of sanctity.


Dear Lord,

* We pray that you will give us the desire to know you better each day and for a love of your Word.
* We pray that we may carry your Word and principles in our hearts so that when adversity, temptation or trial comes, we will be equipped to handle them.
* We pray for our obedience to you. Whatever you call us to do, we know that you will give us the ability and strength to accomplish it, for you are the awesome God of this universe.
* We accept your forgiveness. We know that your love for us is unconditional and that you rush to meet the person who cries out to you.
* We pray that we may keep a humble heart and the desire for a closer relationship with you, knowing that neither of these are acheived through our own human effort but that it is through a life of devotion to Christ that we know true blessing.

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