Fans of PEMF



PEMF Explained

What is PEMF

How it Works

The Science




PEMF Benefits

Who should Use

When to Use

What to Expect







 About Vanessa

Certified PEMF Practitioner

Contact Info 

call/text 423-506-6975



PEMF vs. Magnetic Blankets and Boots
While the therapy is similar, the difference is the ability to focus the right level of power to the specific area that needs it. While the Blankets provide a low, uniform level of power, it may not be adequate for deeper injuries or in denser parts of the body. The power of PEMF is measured in Gauss, like distance is measured in feet. The cells need at least 25 Gauss in order to effect cellular repair, while it is believed that 50 to 85 Gauss is considered an optimal level. As the Magnetic field travels away from the coil or through denser tissue such as bone, the power diminishes. So it is important to be able to deliver the right level of power to the damaged areas.

The main areas of difference are as follows:
PEMF has the ability to detect where a horse is sore or injured because areas of soreness will twitch or pulse in a certain way, which can be recognized by a trained PEMF practitioner. The PEMF system I use is an easily adjustable device which enables me to provide the optimal level of power to a specific point anywhere on a horse. This is particularly useful when treating areas like; hamstrings, necks, legs, abscess in hoofs and accupressure points for a wide variety of issues such as colic and calming points. This ability to adjust the intensity provides gentle but optimal level of power to a specific area and receive immediate results.


PEMF vs. Shockwave
Cellular exercise that rehabilitates cells is unique to PEMF

The following are the main points of differentiation:
PEMF offers the ability to detect where a horse is sore or injured because only the sore areas will twitch or pulse. Shockwave has no ability to detect soreness, just treatment of a specific point.
PEMF can be used on the whole body. Shockwave can only be done on a specific point such as back or legs.
PEMF is Non-invasive, NO sedation is required, while horses quickly relax and enjoy the treatment. Shockwave requires sedation; it is invasive and painful as it creates energy by concussion and sound waves.
PEMF is Non-invasive and has no potential to damage cells. Because of the damaging potential and required sedation, the treatment must be performed by a Veterinarian.
PEMF has a wide focal area and the wave area does not diminish as it penetrates the body. Shockwave has a small focal area of a couple of inches wide at the skin that goes down to a point at it’s deepest penetration.
The PEMF magnetic wave can travel up to 16 inches into the body. Shock wave has a maximum penetration of about 4 inches.

PEMF vs. Laser Treatments
Detection, area, penetration and time

While both the laser and PEMF deliver increased energy to areas of need, the following are the main points of differentiation:
PEMF has the ability to detect where a horse is sore or injured because only the sore areas will twitch or pulse. Laser has no ability to detect soreness, just treatment of a specific point.
PEMF therapy has a wide focal area and the wave area does not diminish as it penetrates the body. Laser has a very small focal area of less than in inch.
PEMF magnetic wave travels up to 16 inches into the body. Laser has a limited penetration of less than 2 inches, unless the power is increased, which increases the potential to damage the cells at the surface.
PEMF can be used on the whole body and takes 30 to 45 minutes for a full body treatment. Since Laser has such a small focal point, it takes a long time to treat a larger area making full body treatments not likely.
*FYI – Studies have shown that PEMF is more effective than Lasers for Pain Relief in people

Is PEMF the same thing as TENS or RIFE or Bio Resonance?
No. These are very different things. PEMF may share some common attributes, such as the fact that some forms of PEMF induce electrical micro-nano currents in tissues. But PEMF is far more efficient, is pain free, and can work at much lower levels of energy and frequency than some of these other methods, so it is inherently safer. PEMF also has a much larger and better-quality scientific literature than RIFE or Bio Resonance.

How safe is PEMF?

PEMF is drug-free, non-invasive and does not affect already healthy cells.

Numerous studies and uses of PEMF for use on people and animals have been documented around the world with ZERO negative/harmful side-effects!

Consider this: We know many drugs are safe and effective for the same reason we know many foods are safe and nutritious, because lots of people have tried them and the overall consensus is that they are safe, nutritious and (sometimes) tasty. In the case of food additives, the FDA even has a specific term for this: GRAS, which means "Generally Regarded As Safe." Keep in mind that absolutely nothing is 100% safe, even pure water can be toxic if you drink too much. The fact that some people have specific food allergies does not make that type of food unsafe for everyone. So even a few reports of adverse reactions to drugs and devices should be viewed carefully in this light.
But still, it's hard to find a single report of harm caused by properly applied PEMF!!


Other Frequently Asked Questions:

Can PEMF sessions be done right at the show or event?
Absolutely! A horse can be worked immediately after a session. PEMF helps horses to loosen up and relax at a show, reduces their pain & stiffness and helps them recover faster.

When will the results of the PEMF session be seen or felt?
Results are usually immediate. Some riders have noticed a difference within the first couple steps their horse takes after their first PEMF session. As the blood is oxygenated and circulation is increased, improvement will continue for up to 72 hours after a whole body PEMF session.

How does a PEMF Device detect and show areas of sensitivity?
Muscle tissue pulses or twitches in sore or damaged areas because of Cellular membrane movement.

Why do a session on the whole horse when the problem is in one area?
PEMF creates a systemic response like “Fine-tuning” or “Turbo-Charging” the WHOLE body, because of this, many issues, not just the targeted ones, also experience improvement. By increasing the blood oxygen in the whole body, the sensitive area continues to be helped as super oxygenated blood from the rest of the body continues to flow through the area, for up to 72 hours.

Is PEMF FDA approved?
In 1979, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for the healing of nonunion fractures.
In 2004, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for cervical fusion patients at high-risk of non-fusion.
In 2006, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for treatment of depression and anxiety.







DISCLAIMER: Vanessa Morgan is a certified PEMF practitioner, offering cellular exercise using the PULSE Centers EQ-X system. The EQ-X is not a medical device and has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment or cure of any medical condition and is not intended as a replacement or substitute for appropriate medical attention.