(August 2010 - November
Read about the wonderful
team of Balmullo's Beacon and Avery
Lewis, below.
Click here to see their complete
competition results.
was the Atlanta Youth Dressage Challenge. Lendon Grey (former
Olympic Dressage rider) and Gwen Poulin, a big time dressage rider
and Olympic hopeful sponsored it. They have these Competitions
in several other locations, notably New York. The Competition
has three phases, and is open to riders under 21. The event pulled
in riders from the area, and several surrounding states. The first
phase is a written test, based upon rider competency questions
from the Pony Club manual. Avery scored the highest score of all
riders at all levels
in the competition on that (98). The second phase was a dressage
test. Avery and Beacon rode Training Level, Test 2. Again, their score
was the highest of anyone in the competition, regardless of level
(74). Gewn Poulin
tracked them down after watching their test and spent a lot of
time praising them and giving pointers. She really loved Beacon!!!
The final phase was a Equitation Class, and Avery and Beacon took
place there. They
won the Overall
Championship for the
show, with the highest
combined score, as
well as winning
the high written test award
for the show, and the highest
dressage test score
for the show. They basically won everything!!! They won a beautiful
engraved silver platter as the overall show winners. Jeff L
16 2013 Avery Lewis had a great weekend riding Balmullos
Beacon at the Good Horseman Dressage. They rode two tests a day,
Training 3 and 1st Level 3. Both training level tests were great,
71.4 and 70.6. They won Junior Reserve Champion for the Show for the first score.
Both tests were beautiful to watch. Their 1st level tests were
also very good, and both qualified them for the USDF Regional
Championships, the weekend of Oct 12-13th!
Blue Ribbon Day
Vanessa,Avery and Beacon competed at the Goodhorseman Dressage
Show this weekend at the Georgia Horsepark (April 2013). Adam
was there coaching, and was quite pleased with their results.
I list their scores below. Note that they entered two first level
tests, and did quite well on the second day. Their 1st Level Test
2 was magical, and would have been better if they did not lose
2 points for going off course.
second Training Test #3 (73.2) won them high Junior score for the show!! Lots of prizes. As you know,
1st Level is a whole new ball game, with half passes, etc. they
really did well, and Adam was happy. They did qualify for the
Regional Championships on October 12-13th at Training Level. We
are going to try and qualify for 1st level also. If they come
in first or second at Regionals in either class, they will qualify
for Nationals in Kentucky November 9th and 10th. This is the first
Dressage nationals in many years, so it would be quite cool. (You
have to dream!). Jeff
Training Test 3 66.8 1st
1st Level Test 1 66.2 3rd
Training Test 3 66.216 1st Place
1st Level Test 2 73.2 1st
2013 ACPS Region IV Show
Jumper Champion!

Top Horse Trials - March 2013
Horse of the Year Connemara Awards: 3rd place Eventing, 5th place
to Avery Lewis on acheiving the
Gold Medal and
Blue Ribbon in Novice
Eventing,riding Balmullo's Beacon.
Lewis on Balmullo's
the JR/YR division (all levels) and the Training level division
(all divisions), of
the 2012 year-end awards from the Goodhorseman Dressage Foundation.

Congratulations to Avery
Lewis on acheiving the USEA
Gold Medal for Novice Eventing
in 2012, riding Balmullo's Beacon.
(Jan 2013)
Lewis on Balmullo's Beacon won several 2012 year-end awards
from the Goodhorseman Dressage Foundation. They won:
division (all levels),
The Training level division (all divisions),
and won a "Good Horseman 75% Metal" for their scord
of 75.357% (covers all levels and divisions).
Lewis chased the win on Balumllo's Beacon at the 11/10-11/11/12
Poplar Place Horse Trials, finishing just 0.1 point behind the
The pair earned 2nd
place, in
a field of 12 starters, on their dressage score of 29.1, with
double-clear jumping rounds in stadium and cross-country.
just got word that Beacon and Avery swept the Goodhorseman
Foundation Dressage awards for the year 2012. They won the JR/YR division (all levels), they won the Training level
(all divisions), and they got one of 7 medals for getting 75% or above (covers all levels and
divisions). You can check it out at
Quite a sweep!!! Regards,Jeff (Nov 2012)
We had a really good weekend at Poplar, winning 2nd place. Her dressage was really nice (29.1),
putting her in second place (of 12) behind a really good rider
riding a prelim horse on loan. Her stadium round was perfect,
without chips or any bobbles. Cross Country was the same, a prefect
round right on the time. It was a tough course, with two water
crossings. This past week we had a breakthrough with Lellie in
lessons, and finally Avery is getting the leg thing. Beacon responds
really well, and is a more alert, forward horse as a result. We
were really proud of her second place, only .1 behind the leader.
Beacon was, as always, a star. We had many visitors to the stall
to meet him, and marvel about his abilities. He continues to amaze
us! Regards, Jeff (Nov 2012)
We had a ball on Saturday
at the Hunter Pace. Very large turnout. Team Lewis took second
in the fastest group of the Hunter Pace. We were 14 seconds too
fast to win!!! We just had to gallop in!!! Avery and Beacon rode
the jump course twice, jumping the biggest jumps (33),
and was under the time each time. There was a guy there taking
pics, and I will try and get one for you. We ninjas looked really
We are having fun
bragging about Beacons Hall of Fame status. Like traveling
with a rock star! Jeff (10/29/12)
This coming weekend not much competing. On Saturday we are riding
in a costumed Hunter Pace at Ashland Farm. We will all be Ninjas,
with Beacon wearing his black hoodie and black leg wraps. Sunday
we plan a long hack. The weekend after that is also a free weekend,
with Poplar HT the weekend after that. We are taking it easy on
Beacon, trying not to overwork him. By the way, he was sensational
in their win this weekend. Not so much as a rub in either Stadium
or Cross Country. Hall of Famer at his best! Jeff 10/22/12
Another win for Avery Lewis!
Riding Balmullo's Beacon, she won
the Paradise
Farm Fall Horse Trials on
her dressage score of 29.5 in the Novice-B division of 15 entries

USDF Regional Dressage Championships, Fairburn, GA, Chattahoochee
Lewis on Balmullo's
competed in the Jr/YR Training Championships, earning a 6th place
ribbon out of 24! A couple hours later, they did Training Test
3, which they
Vanessa, Great seeing you last Friday. What a great day! I attach
pics of Avery and Beacon with their 6th place ribbon, as well
as a pic of them with Adam Lastowka. Their Training Level 3 test
later in the afternoon was even better than the one that you saw,
although the judge rated it about the same. We relaxed this weekend
and did two long hacks on Saturday and Sunday. Beacon seems relaxed
and happy. I will be out of town for a few days at a business
conference. We are both showing next weekend (Oct 20-21) at the
Paradise Farm HT. Best regards, Jeff
Region IV Annual Show, Highfields, Aiken, SC held 9/29-9/30/12:
Avery earned Connemara Jumper Champion for the show, on Beacon and also
did a wonderful job competing in her first training level CT.
She jumped clean, but missed number 6. It was a lot to remember
all those jumper courses!
Avery has done it
again! Riding Balmullo's Beacon,
she won the Jr.
High Score Championship at
The USDF Good Horsemans Dressage Show (9/15-9/16/12). She rode
in four (4) Training Level classes (tests T1, T2, T3 & T3),
earning first
place in all 4 classes! Avery
earned the 2nd
highest score of the show with a 75.3,
earning a Good
Horseman medal for scores above 75.
faced a huge division of 81 contenders in her first championship
horse trials. A bit of nerves interferred with the first half
of her dressage test, then she settled into the task, earning
a very respectable score of 34.8. This put the pair in 30th to
begin the weekend. Beacon rocketed around the cross-country course
and incurred 9.2 speeding tickets, knocking out all chances for
a ribbon. However, none of that mattered in light of the excellent
cross-country jumping, followed by a double clean stadium round!
It was a fabulous experience for a tiny little girl on her super
20-yr old Connemara pony, Balmullo's Beacon.
and Beacon ran in the Jr BN division of the American Eventing
Championships at Chattahoochee Hills in Fairburn, GA, the weekend
of 9/7-9/9/12. The were 30th out of 84 entries in the dressage
but fell to 60-something after a too-speedy cross-country round.
Beacon jumped clean, but the time penalties really dropped their
score, but Avery was thrilled with the round, because of how much
fun she had. The completed stadium with a double-clear round.
Good Horsemen Annual Dressage Show (USDF rated) at the
Georgia International Horse Park.
and Beacon competed in another Good Horseman Dressage show this
past weekend. They rode Training Level Tests 1, 2 and 3 (rode
3 two times, on Sat and Sun). They won Reserve Champion for Junior High
Score for the show,
as well as winning
three of four classes
They have now
qualified for Regional Dressage Champs in October. There are no National Champs for
Dressage, so the Regionals are a big deal.
Level Test 1 67.2%
Training Level Test 2 67.143%
Training Level Test 3Q 69.0%
Training Level Test 3Q 69.0%
Lewis continued her successful partnership with Balmullo's Beacon,
owned by Vanessa Morgan, in 2012. After participating in several
Horse Trials at the Beginner Novice level, they moved up to Novice
at the River Glen HT in April, held in New Market, TN. With Vanessa
there to cheer them on, they scored a 27 in Dressage, and went
on to go double clear in both Stadium and Cross Country, taking
first place in the event. Needless to say, Vanessa and proud parents
were bursting with price.
On May 5th and 6th, they won the Southeastern Regional Championships
in the Junior Beginner Novice division with a dressage score of
27.6 and double clears in both Stadium and Cross Country. They
have qualified for and plan to attend the American Eventing Championships
at Chatahoochee Hills in Fairburn, GA in September.
On June 9th & 10th, they entered The Goodhorseman Summer Dressage
Show at the Georgia Horsepark in Conyers, GA. The show is a qualifier
for the USDF Regional Championships. Balmullo's Beacon was his
usual unflappable self, and they took first place in all four
Training Level classes that they entered, also winning high score
award for the show in the Junior category (74.58). They are close
to their goal of qualifying for the USDF Regional Championships
in October.
The pair of Beacon (Bubba) and Avery have charmed audiences wherever
they have ridden. At 20, Beacon is beating horses half his age,
and enjoying it. He and Avery (10), are old pros now, having competed
together for two years. Our family is very proud of them both.
Lewis, Proud Father (July ACPS Region IV Newsletter)
Hi Vanessa,
What a great weekend! We are
really proud of both Beacon and Avery.
We attended the Good Horsemen Annual Dressage Show (USDF
rated) at the Georgia International Horse Park. There were about
200 rides over the two day weekend. Avery and Beacon won all four of their classes, and won the prize for highest Junior score
of the show (they were three
places away from winning high score for the entire show). There
were a lot of juniors, although Avery was the only one under the
age of 16. For the high score, she won a huge neck ribbon for
Beacon, as well as saddle pad, gift certificate, cash, and other
goodies. The weather was nice but hot on Saturday, but very rainy
on Sunday. They rode their last test in a steady drizzle. The
rain did not bother either horse or rider, although both were
covered with mud at the completion of the test (not sure we will
ever get those white breeches clean!).
The scores were as
Sat: 6/9 Training Level Test 1 74.58
Sat: 6/9 Training Level Test 3 72.8
Sun: 6/10 Training Level Test 2 68.39
Sun: 6/10 Training Level Test 3 69.8
Our goal for the show
was to gain experience, but now that they have half of their qualification
for the US Dressage Federation Regional Championships in October,
we are going to go to another show in July to see if we can qualify.
Great experience, as the judges at dressage shows are tougher
than the ones at Horse Trials.
Beacon was his usual wonderful self. He got a lot of carrots,
but was not much interested in the rest of the loot. Best regards,
What an awesome month
for Avery Lewis and Balmullo's Beacon: First, the won their Novice division at the River Glen Horse Trails on her
dressage score of 27.0, then they won the BN Championships at Poplar Place with a 27.5!!
Chattahoochee USEA Horse Trials at NR: Avery's First-ever Novice
Horse Trials
Vanessa, Well, it was a really interestiung weekend at Chatt Hills.When
we arrived on Friday, we had a steady stream of visitors at the
stall wishing Avery and Beacon well at Novice. Everyone seemed
to know. We went out to walk the Xcty course and they had some
huge jumps. Apparently they threw in several Training jumps to
separate things out some. In particular, they had a combination
with a one stride 90 degree angle to the next jump. Many refusals
there sat. Also, a huge up and down bank, with a jump three strides
after it.
a training trakaner (sp?) with a huge ditch after it. That jump
created havoc on sat, with lots of refusals and one rider off.
We told Avery to ride carefully but no refusals.
rode dressage first on sat, and a combination of a tough judge
and nerves, they blew it and got a 40 (her worst score ever!).

On Xcty, they rode the course beautifully, with no mistakes. They
did have some time penalties, but we told her to ignore the time
and ride correctly. The tough jumps (banks and trackaner were
both in front of the finish crowds, and everyone was cheering
loudly as they jumped each hard jump. Really thrilling to see
the following that they are gathering. Sunday's Stadium was perfect.

They rode a faultless course, while half of the 16 in her class
(mixed ages, adults and older teens) took at least one rail. More
time faults, but again we told her to ignore the clock and do
a perfect run.
we took 9th, but we feel like we did what we needed to do. Everyone
at the show were fascinated with a 10 year old riding Novice,
and she did great. We are quite optimistic about her future prospects,
and only need to speed up to be in the time. (As you may recall,
she got a speeding ticket at Pine Top 4 weeks ago, so speed is
not a problem). They are riding Novice again in two weeks at River
had a big Birthday party for Beacon on Saturday, celebrating his
20th. There were a number of his fans there, and he really tore
in to his carrot and clover pie.
is happy and healthy, and his uusual great self.
Feb 11, 2012:
Avery took the blue
ribbon in her first
competition of the new year in the Novice division of the Malone
Farms combined test.
Avery and Beacon left the others in her dust with the best in
show dressage score of 22! They had the best lowest dressage score
of the show!
went fox hunting with Shakerag last Thursday and all had fun.
It was a beautiful day, and Beacon seemed to enjoy himself. We
had several hacks this New Years weekend. The weather was
quite nice. Happy New Year! Jeff (2012)
to Avery Lewis who recieved the 3rd place Year-End award at the
GDCTA banquet for the 2011 BN Division.

and Beacon will resume competion in the spring of 2012.
In the meanwhile, they will remain busy with foxhunting, dressage
lessons and trail rides.

12/3/11 Malone Farms Combined Test - 2nd place Novice Division. This was Avery's
first go at the Novice level. They earned the second-best dressage
score (30.8) of the entire show. Nice start!
Vanessa, I thought I would give you a longer version of this weekends
fun (Pine Top HT on 11/26-26). Beacon was his usual business like
self. Throughout the weekend he was calm and focused. He and Avery
have a routine that seems to work for both of the...her class
had 12 (entries) because they had only two juniors and so combined
them with the adults. Dressage was fine, (31.5). Stadium was flawless.
They really burned it on the cross country, which was good, as
the time was tight for all. Second place was nice. The lady that won was
a fifty something that told us that she usually rode Novice but
decided to have some fun riding Beginner Novice with no stress
over Thanksgiving. In eight shows we have four 2nds, a third,
a fifth, a seventh and an eighth. If my math is right, they are
ranked 11th in the nation right now (USEA).
The two horses next to us were owned by young ladies in their
20s in Averys class. Their Mom came up to us halfway
through the competition and asked if Jill Mooney had ridden Beacon.
We told her the story of Bubbas history, and she said 'Oh
great! Ten years ago that horse always beat me, and now he is
beating my daughters! What luck!'
All in all, a great weekend. Beacon was truly great, as usual.
He really is unflappable. Jeff (Nov 2011)
would be so proud of your little guy this weekend (11/12-11/13/11
at Poplar Place). He just went about his business. Their dressage
was very nice, a 30.0, and everyone was complaining that the judge
was too tough! Stadium jumping and cross country went off without
even the slightest problem. Second place overall. Beacon never blinked,
just did his thing. They were a bit fast on cross country, but
Avery said they were both having so much fun that they didnt
care. Still under the time limit, but only 15 sec under. We sure
do love that pony!!!
received her USEA Gold Medal yesterday. That is for three shows
with dressage below 35 and all clear cross country. She can wear
the medal pin on her jacket when she competes. Beacon seemed to
prefer carrots, which he got a lot of.
Hunted with the Shakerag Hounds.
Lewis had another fabulous weekend eventing on Balmullo's Beacon at the Pine Top
Horse Trials (10/8-10/9/11). She rode two double clear jumping
rounds, finishing on her dressage score of 30.0, earning her the
place prize.
Lewis had three terrific rides on Balmullo's Beacon at at the
9/24-9/25/11 Poplar Place USEA Horse Trials, securing the 3rd place ribbon. They wrapped up the weekend
double clear cross-country and stadium rounds, after earning great
dressage score of 30.5 ppts.
could not be more proud of your guy this weekend! They took 3rd
at the Poplar HT. They did their best dressage ever, 30.5...Both
Cross country and stadium were perfect. I cant say enough
about Beacon! He was just perfect. He was in a spunky mood this
weekend (good spunky) and was obviously enjoying himself. He really
loves cross country! On both jumping phases they made it look
very easy. We love your guy!!!
can access the Poplar show pics as follows:
Go to
Click on Horse Trials on the left
Click Show Photographer under the show Sept 23-25
Click on Poplar Place HT Sept 23-25
Click on #295 Balmullos Beacon
and Beacon had an active weekend. Saturday they had a local dressage
show and did OK. They
won all three classes (Training 1,2&3). Sunday was a Pony Club meeting
featuring show jumping. They did very well there. Next weekend
we have a Pony Club clinic at Chattahoochee Hills on Saturday,
and then a C1 Pony Club prep on Sunday, taught by national examiners.
Both should be good. We have one dressage lesson with Adam on
Wednesday, and Avery and Beacon are schooling cross country at
Ashland farm on Tuesday. Focus is on the HT at Poplar on the 24th.
We continue to hack often, which Beacon seems to like the best.
He is happy and healthy. (9/12/11)
Labor's Reward Highfields USEF/USDF Dressage Show, Aiken, SC:
had a very interesting weekend in Aiken at the Dressage Show.
This was really the big time! (USEF/USDF) Over 100 competitors,
many in the very high levels. Avery was the only one under the
age of 16. I think they did quite well, much better than when
you saw them in Florida, much more on the bit. Everyone that saw
them raved about Beacon. He really won the hearts at the show.
place USDF Intro C
1st place Training Level Test 1
1st place USDF Intro C
1st place Training Level Test 1
would have been quite proud of Beacon. He really was a trooper!
What a wonderful guy! Everyone commented about him.
ACPS Region IV Connemara Show at Canterbury Showplace in Newberry,
and Beacon won two Championship Awards at the 2011 ACPS Region
IV Connemara Show at Canterbury Showplace in Newberry, FL in June
2011: They were both the Connemara Jumper Champion and the Combined Training Champion

Pictures of
Avery Lewis on Balmullo's Beacon at the May 2011 Chattahoochee
Hills May 2011 Horse Trials. You can view and order them here:
I thought
I would piggyback the attached message with a pick of Avery and
Beacon from this weekend.
They finished seventh, which was somewhat of a disappointment.
We had hoped for a fifth or higher to qualify them for the AEC's
in September, but it was not to be. They did what I thought was
a very nice dressage, but the judge did not agree. The other 13
competitors were all ladies in their 20's riding 16 hand thoroughbreds,
and we feel that the judge did not think Avery and Beacon fit
in. Our trainer was there, and she felt the same way.
They got a 41, which was their worst score ever, putting them
in 12th. To Avery's credit, she took it as a challenge, and went
double clear on cross country and clear on show jumping, with
a few time faults (the course was really convoluted, and everyone
had time faults). In the end, they worked their way up to 7th,
only half a point out of 6th. There were no juniors competing
this weekend, which might have been part of the problem. Since
this was a high end CCI show, there were a lot of top riders there
eying Rolex, etc. The ladies in Avery's class all had fancy trainers
that had numerous riders competing, and big fancy setups. Little
team Lewis had three folding chairs and a cooler.
Beacon was his usual perfect self. If it is possible, he was better
than usual. Just casual about the whole thing, doing his job.
He is such a wonderful pony!!!
I was
standing near the show jumping arena just before Avery's time
to go, and a lady came up and asked me who was jumping. I showed
her the schedule, and she got all excited when she saw Balmullo's
Beacon on the list. I told her that he was yours, and that my
daughter was riding him. I thought she was going to have a coronary,
she was so excited. Her granddaughter had 'Beacon's Little Tike',
a Bubba Baby. She called her son (owner of little Tike)in Florida
to tell him about Beacon being there, and then took lots of pictures.
She was so pleased to see Beacon competing again. She knew all
about him, and assumed he was past his competition
days. It was fun to see her reaction. As a matter of fact, a number
people came up to us at the show recognizing Beacon from his former
It is a bit like traveling with a rock star.
We are debating taking one more crack at qualifying for the AEC's
at the July HT at Chattahoochee Hills. It will be very hot, but
it was in the 90's this past weekend and we survived. Our big
concern is for Beacon, who doesn't seem to mind the heat. Walking
the Cross Country course four times nearly killed us in that heat!!
We are thinking about moving to a higher end trainer for dressage.
It is our major missing link. Avery and Beacon rule on the cross
country course, as well in show jumping.
We were
down at Poplar Place all weekend at the Pony Club Show Jumping
Rally. I dont know how much you know about Pony Club, but
Rallies are a unique thing. There were 14 four person teams from
all over the Southeast Region. The parents drop off the kids and
the horses at the barn, and are not allowed to speak with them
or interact with them or the horses during the day for Saturday
and Sunday. This is hard for Helen and me, as we are used to being
very much involved. I was the announcer, so for both days I was
in the tower announcing. Helen did the refreshments for the Judges
and officials, so she baked for days prior to the meeting.
and Beacon went clear on all three jump rides, jumping 29
on some pretty complicated courses. Avery also won the jump off
after her final ride. Beacon was so perfect that you would have
thought he was mechanical. He really is a dream horse! It was
a bit boring for him, but Avery grazed him on a lead line a lot
of the time, which he likes a lot. Although these Rallies are
exhausting, we think they are good for Avery, teaching her to
be more self reliant, and to be very much responsible for Beacon,
all of the time.
Next weekend
we are going to the HT at Chattahoochee. Has Beacon ever competed
there? We feel pretty confident on the show jumping and the cross
country, but really need to concentrate on the Dressage. That
will make or break us. If we can get another top five finish,
we are qualified for the AEC (American Eventing Champs) being
held at Chattahoochee this September. It may seem like a stretch,
but the fact that it is being held in Georgia seems like a once
in a lifetime chance. Next year will probably be in California
or New York, which are both out of the question. Well see.
Avery is so new at this that mistakes are quite possible, which
will squash our chances. Of course, Beacon could win with his
eyes closed, but must depend on Avery to do her part.
Well, we have
come down from our high from the Poplar HT and are focusing on
the next few weeks. This coming weekend we are going back to Poplar
for a Pony Club Show Jumping Rally. Avery is on a good team, and
should do well. They ride three jumping rounds, which should be
good practice for both Avery and Beacon (highest jumps 29).
The next weekend we are going to an HT at Chattahoochee Hills
here in Atlanta. Avery enjoyed Poplar so much that we decided
to try another HT before it got too hot.
Poplar Place USEA Horse Trials at BN - 2nd/14 w/35.0 ppts
Place USEA Recognized Horse Trails - 2nd place
Avery Lewis
rode Balmullos Beacon to a 2nd place finish at the Poplar
Place Horse Trails the weekend of May 7-8. This is 9 yr old Averys
2nd event. She competed with 14 other entries in the BN division
and finished on her dressage score with double-clear cross-country/stadium
jumping rounds.
The following
weekend they returned to Poplar Place, this time for the Pony
Club Show Jumping Rally. Father and groom, Jeff Lewis, writes
I dont know how much you know about Pony Club, but
Rallies are a unique thing. There were 14 four person teams from
all over the Southeast Region. The parents drop off the kids and
the horses at the barn, and are not allowed to speak with them
or interact with them or the horses during the day for Saturday
and Sunday. This is hard for Helen and me, as we are used to being
very much involved. I was the announcer, so for both days I was
in the tower announcing. Helen did the refreshments for the Judges
and officials, so she baked for days prior to the meeting.
Avery and Beacon
went clear on all three jump rides, jumping 29 on
some pretty complicated courses. Avery also won the jump off after
her final ride. Beacon was so perfect that you would have thought
he was mechanical. He really is a dream horse! It was a bit boring
for him, but Avery grazed him on a lead line a lot of the time,
which he likes a lot. Although these Rallies are exhausting, we
think they are good for Avery, teaching her to be more self reliant,
and to be very much responsible for Beacon, all of the time.
owner, Vanessa Morgan, is very proud of Avery and feels extremely
blessed that the Lewis family is enjoying and caring for Beacon.
She had a feeling that Beacon and Avery would be a perfect fit
for each other. So far, Team Lewis is proving that
gut feeling to be spot on! Next on the Team Lewis agenda was the
Chattahoochee Hills Horse Trials. Avery was the only Junior rider
and put in a very good run with another double-clear ride.
Vanessa writes,
I am so looking forward to seeing Avery and Beacon together
at the Region 4 Connemara Show next month at Canterberry Show
Place in FL!!

Pony Club's album "Cross Country Meeting 4.17.11".
Newton County Horse Show
Low Hunter (2') - 5th/16
Equitation OF (2') - 1st/14
Hunter Hack - 4/20
Newton County
Horse Show was a mob scene. Their classes ranged from 17 to 24
riders. A big storm came through Friday night, so the arena was
a swamp, and the wind was blowing a lot. Riders were coming off
and horses were refusing right and left.
Avery and Beaky
(mostly Avery) were tentative in their first class, Low Hinter
(2), and took 5th of 17.
The second
class, Equitation over fences (2), they got after it and
won, out of sixteen riders. ( By the way, all riders were in their
mid teens except Avery. Most had many shows at these heights under
their belts.)
In the Hunter
hack, with a huge field of 24, they placed fourth. We were thrilled
with that one.
Yesterday the
pony club had a cross country meeting. Not many in the pony club
had seen Avery and Beacon doing cross country, so many were blown
away. As a finale, Avery chose a 10 jump course and they jumped
it flawlessly. She has so much confidence in him, that they are
joyful as they go around the course.
Lewis recently
competed in her first EVER horse trials at Pine Top Farm on March
19-20, 2011, on Balmullo's Beacon.
Watch this
video and turn the volume up; what fun she's having!:-)
I think she is now hooked on eventing:-)

Watch this
video and turn the volume up; what fun she's having!:-)
I think she is now hooked on eventing:-)
Pine Top USEA Spring Horse Trials at BN - 8th/15 w/ 40.5 ppts
Read about
it in Eventing USA - April
2011 issue
Avery rides
with the Hilltop Pony Club.
2010, under Avery Lewis, Beacon earned a Certificate of Achievement
in Hunters and a Certificate of Achievement in Pony Club from
the ACPS.
Avery rode
int the HJ Fox Hunter Classic in late October at The Georgia International
Horse Park, and won 4th, 5th or 6th in the six Short Stirrup classes
she entered.
Also, in late
November she entered the HTPC Combined Training Show in Conyers,
GA, and took 2nd in the Tadpole class and 1st in the Beginner Novice class.
Lewis (9) from Oxford, Georgia leased Balmullos Beacon (Bubba)
from Vanessa Morgan in August of this year (2010). Since then,
the pair have done quite well in the show arena. In September
and October they entered two local dressage shows and entered
4 classes at the Intro Level and one at Training Level (dressage
score 67%) and won all five, winning overall champion honors for
the two combined shows. They also entered the HJ Fox Hunter Classic
in late October at The Georgia International Horse Park, and won
4th, 5th or 6th in the six Short Stirrup classes that they entered.
Lastly, in late November they entered the HTPC Combined Training
Show in Conyers, GA, and took 2nd in the Tadpole class and 1st
in the Beginner Novice class. In late November Avery progressed
to her D3 Pony Club rating, and is working toward her C1 rating
in 2011.
has come, in the short time that she has ridden Beacon (Bubba),
to develop a great deal of trust and confidence in her Connemara
friend. Beacon has become a favorite on our family farm, moving
to the top of the horse hierarchy. He truly is a wonderhorse,
and we look for many more great performances from the pair in
the coming year.
I can't
get over how well Avery is doing with Bubba (or Beacon as they
call him). I was blown away when they won the BN CT at our Pony Club's fundraiser - she was
riding against kids twice her age. Bubba is a true gentleman,
and has done wonders for Avery's confidence. (December 2010 -
Click here for current competition
and Avery are now D3s in Pony Club. Saturday went flawlessly. There were three
girls being tested, and Avery and Beacon were the only ones that
passed. The cross country part was really fun to watch. They negotiated
a 2 6 course as if it were cross rails. Avery was
Mock Hunt was great... They had a blast, and as usual, Beacon
was a perfect gentleman. Jeff Nov-10
below: Avery
Lewis on Beacon (October 2010)
Our Pony Club
held its annual mock hunt last weekend and Bubba was a star. He
is so good for Avery and exactly what she needed to boost her
confidence and help her enjoy riding again. So you've made two
riders in Georgia very happy! Jennifer
After each
nightly ride at our farm, Avery takes him for a ½ hour
cool down walk along the trails where we live. Inevitably deer
pop out of the woods in a frenzy to get away. Every other pony
that she has ridden freaks each time it happens. Bubba/Beacon
just looks calmly. He is the greatest!!! Jeff 9/10
On Sept 25,
Beacon and Avery competed in their first 2 dressage classes together
and earned two
blue ribbons with
scores in the high 60's; they moved up to Training Test 1 at a
GDCTA recognized show and earned at 67.0 and won Champion of the 2-show series in her walk/trot
Beacon is the new pony club mount for 9 yr old Avery Lewis in
Georgia. (August 2010)