2005 ARCHIVED news & activities
Bee (11/05)
We took 4 yr old Foothillls MayBee to the ACPS Inspections
at Balmullo's Farm this month and she passed her inspections with
all "very good" and "excellent" marks. After
the inspections, I rode her on the trails through the "Temple
of the Universe" with Carole Moss, Donna Duckworth and friends,
Barbie and Stephanie. It was a fabulous ride and we even practiced
a little impromptu 'Quadrille + one'. Bee is leased to Marion
Caldwell who picked her up last night to head back to Kentucky
where Marion will await her 2006 summer foal (Bee's first) by
*Gun Smoke.
is pleased to welcome 2 new residents from Florida (11/05)
We are very happy to
have two new Connemaras joining our herd. They are Bugsy
Malone, bred by Donna Duckworth, and Ivydell
Prudence, bred by Julie VanderMeer. Bugsy is a 3 yr old bay
purebred gelding by C.R. Roaringwater
Bay out of Tullymor's Ladybugg and Prudy is a 2 yr old gray
halfbred filly by Balius
Turlough out of an Arabian mare. They are both very attractive
(currently) 14.3-15.0 hand horses with very kind temperaments.
We are look forward to working with them as we find them new homes
where they can pursue their future careers.
career takes a new direction
A year ago, Pat C.
purchased Sam as a trail pony for herself, with the hopes that
he would get up to 14.1-14.2 hands. Last month, she decided to
offer Sam for sale because he took a real growth spurt this year.
She believes he'll be at least 15 hh now and, with the power and
stamina that he began showing, she saw that she really had an
event horse on her hands, rather than the trail pony she envisioned.
That, along with being overstocked with a drought and possible
hay shortage for the winter, she offered Sam for sale late last
month ...
[a.k.a. Sam] (Balmullo's
x Foothills
River Queen)
Lovely 3 yo gelding,
should mature at a sturdy 15 hh. Quiet and uncomplicated, very
easy to work with. Excellent manners, no quirks or vices. Sound
and healthy. Well started under saddle, with a solid foundation.
Ready to move on. He would make an excellent pony club mount or
lower level event horse. Reluctantly for sale due to not enough
time or hay. Email for more information or photos. Video available.
Pat writes, "Sam
is going to Brenda Kiniyalocts in Ohio. She wanted a gelding project
for lower level dressage and combined training, and she thinks
Sam will be just the thing and so do I. I think this is a very
good placement for him. She will get him out and show him. So,
thank you for putting him on your website, but now you can take
him off!"..."I took Sam to Lafayette, IN yesterday to
meet Brenda (half way for both of us) and that went fine. I have
no doubt that she'll provide him with an excellent home and will
put his talents to good use." 11/05
new happy owners in Georgia
Jeri Geary of Canton,
GA, is the proud new owner of Foothills
Rocky River, a purebred Connemara colt, born this April. He
is a beautiful, friendly bay colt by the Dressage Champion, Cashel's Rock of Ages, out of Region
III Futurity Winner, Foothills
River Queen (by C.R. Roaringwater Bay). Rocky will be such
a fun project for Jeri, with his good looks, dressage potential
and remarkable kind, trusting and brave disposition. They are
sure to be a success together.
Piedmont Harmony, a 2 yr old gray Connemara-TB filly by Balmullo's
Beacon, has been sold to Linda Pierce of Hiawassee, GA. Fortunately
Harmony is staying with us for a few more months, so I will be
able to enjoy her ever growing grace and beauty. This filly was
a hard one for me to let go of, but I know she will have a wonderful,
useful home with Linda. In February, Harmony will start in training
with our farrier, Joel Sherlin, who did a fabulous job starting
our young Percheron mare, teaching her well the basic aids, to
yield to pressure, working in the ring and on hills, and to tolerate
cattle and loose horses grazing while she works:-)
FFC pony heads west (7/05)
Foggy Morning, FM, will soon be travelling west to her new
home with Darian Hall in California. Although FM sustained a serious
leg injury last December, Darian recognized her potential as an
exceptional foundation mare and intends to breeding her to MGRM
Briggadoon. This should be a fabulous match and will be truely
an outstanding beginning to Darian's purebred Connemara breeding

by Clare Cunningham, age 7, of her family's 2 purebred Connemara
and Foothills
in Lake Villa, IL (June 05)
started (6/05)
Hi Vanessa, Well Sam
(Foothills Houston) breezed
right through long-lining class, so I decided he was ready to
start riding a little. Today was our first independent ride -
a big 10 minutes of walk in the arena. Below is the commemorative
photo, taken by our resident 10 year old photographer. As you
can see, Sam was completely underwhelmed by the whole business!!
(The helmet is for protection from falling coconuts!) Actually,
he is far and away the most quiet and easy (and pleasant!) one
I have started, and it has been several. I am so glad to have
him. He is indeed going to be as steady as they come, just like
you said. I'm hoping we'll be able to start short walks in the
field in a month or so, and I can't wait for next summer.
The more time I spend with Faith (Foothills
Faithfilly), the more I am thinking that she will be the best
pony a kid could want. She is quiet and sensible (and sweet!),
but more supple and responsive than Sam, which is better for a
child. I started teaching her to lunge, and she has learned so
fast and been so good. Pat (6/17/05)
foal has arrived (4/05)
River Queen delivered a cute-as-a-button bay colt on 4/15.
He is by Cashel's Rock of Ages.

a boy! (4/05)
Hattie had a colt this
morning...He is definitely gonna be gray.
Very active and alert with lots of cute antics before he had his
This colt, shown at only a few hours old, is by Balmullo's
Beacon, out of Marion's TB mare, Hattie Belew.
Crubaughs are now a 2 Connemara family
Michelle, Cruystal
and Penny (04Apr)
Croubaugh (GA) is now the proud owner of the lovely Conn-TB mare
Penny went to Carla Jimmerson's farm for a month for Michelle
and Carla to evaluate. They, and the vet, all agreed that she
is a wonderful, sweet and talented mare. Penny will be moving
to Michelle's regular barn where she will join her daughter, Crystal's,
Connemara cross, Miss Congeniality, by C.R. Roaringwater
Bay. Penny,
who is by Balmullo's
is now Michelle's dressage and pleasure horse, having sold her
big TB jumper for a more reasonable mount. She is looking forward
to enjoying Penny undersaddle and is planning to bring her to
the Region 4 show this year.
Michelle! You know it was not an easy decision to let Penny go
again. Many, many thanks to Carla for her help in this transition
and for the great work with Penny while under her care. Vanessa
left for her new home today! (4/18/05)
Vanessa, I just thought I'd let you know that Faith is settling
in well and I am very pleased with her. She does indeed have an
exceptionally pleasant temperament. I am curious... have you ever
done any work with her on giving to pressure (dropping the head
to poll pressure, giving from side to side, etc)? I have started
some little groundwork lessons (I am very big on groundwork) and
I keep expecting the other shoe to drop because she has been SO
easy to teach. It doesn't seem possible that she could be learning
this fast!
I was a little concerned at first because she and Sam were joined
at the hip for the first couple of days and didn't want to be
separated, but Connemara common sense seems to have taken over
and they are fine now.
Anyway, I think Faith is going to be just an outstanding pony...
beautiful movement and wonderful quiet, sensible, easy temperament.
I'm glad to have her. Thanks again. I'll send a picture after
she sheds out, which is progressing rapidly now. Pat (4/27/05)
growing Connemara family in Illinois

Pat Cunningham has purchased her second Connemara, Foothills
a half-sister to her gelding Foothills Houston (aka Sam), both by Balmullo's Beacon. Pat is so impressed
with Sam's quiet, wonderful temperament, that she decided on another
Connemara for her daughter.

Congratulations, Pat, on your new little angel pony!
dun colt is exactly what I ordered! (3/05)
late enough to drives us all crazy, Piedmont Roulette finally made his appearance. On 3/10/05,
almost 3 weeks late, a dun Connemara cross colt was born out of
Rippleshaveruffles by *Gun Smoke. Born in SC, Ruffles
was probably trying to wait for the snow to melt before she foaled,
but fortunately she decided to go ahead and deliver before she
popped!. Ruffles was bred by us in TN and was bought by Colette
Madsen, UT, late last year.

IT'S A GIRL!!!!! (3/05)
She's black (well,
she'll be grey, of course), and she's as bold as her half-brother,
Celtic Storm. Her mother is very proud,
but she has her hands full keeping an eye on her wild-haired new
daughter. Piper (05 March)
We call her "Murphy"
and I've never had a baby like her before. She is into everything
and demands constant attention. She is best friends with the farm
goat. If I'm in the barn cleaning stalls, she has to be involved.
She is very smart and cute and knows it...I think her mother is
ready to find some good daycare. Everybody loves Murphy to pieces,
which, according to her, is exactly how it should be. (05 April)
This filly, born
on 3/6/05, was bred by Carolyn Mastin (AL) who passed away last
year. Piper Scholfield (OK) purchased Foothills
Kelligan, from Pete Mastin, after Kelli had been bred to Balmullo's Beacon.
Dog's Smokin' Kate - Now Showing... (2/05)
Here is a picture of
Kate (by *Gun
Smoke) out of Pesticyde (TB) that is now almost 1 year. The
photo is of her at 8 months at a schooling show at my farm. Went
and showed her in hand (she got a 72.5). She's a prettier dun
in the summer, this is her winter coat. She is quite lovely, though.
Beth D (2/05)
Powers has arrived! (2/05)
Thank you so much for
selling me Powers. I am very
much looking forward to the whole process of working with my young
one. I am incredibly glad that he finally arrived, safe and sound.
Sincerely, Kathy
California photos:
Kathy and Powers
has a new home in Oklahoma
We bought her (Foothills Kelligan) and she
arrived about a month ago. We worked a little bit on ground manners
and rode her once, she was very good. We are counting down the
days to Feb. 28. It will be nice to have a baby around again.
We have another Balmullo's Beacon offspring,
Celtic Storm (photo below),
and we love him to pieces. I will try to send pictures of them
all when the baby gets here. Piper Scholfield
Here I Come (1/05)
Piedmont Powers, full brother to Piedmont Sundance and Harmony, has just
been sold to Katherine Mrowka, of Sacramento, California. Powers
is a 3 yr old (coming 4 in July) brown Conn-TB gelding by Balmullo's
Beacon out of the TB mare, KC. Powers will be boarding with us
until spring as Kathy doesn't want to risk weather-related shipping
problems during his long journey west. Below is Powers (left)
with his younger sister, Piedmont Harmony (right):
Congratulations Kathy; I know you're looking forward to getting
him home!
Covergirls (1/05)
Lacy and Foothills
at the Jump Start Horse Trials in October - on the cover of Young
magazine, January 05!