Below are PUREBRED
fillies & mares by Balmullo's Beacon. Click the
green links &/or button
for more info, news & photos on those ponies.
The ponies
indicated by have been Inspected and Approved by the American
Connemara Pony Society
All Cats Are Grey black/gray mare (born 3/6/05) photos Out of Foothills
Kelligan Breeder of record, Piper Scholfiemd
(OK): owned by Vanessa Morgan (TN)
Cat's sire and dam have both been inspected
and approved by the American Connemara Pony Society.
Foothills Faithfilly (born 6/13/03)
photos Out of Foothills
Hopefilly Bred by FFC; owned by Donna Huntsman in Keno, OR
Faith's sire and dam have both been inspected
and approved by the American Connemara Pony Society.
Kaleigh M2124 XLI, 14.3h,
grey (born 4/20/02)
Out of Big Bear's MacCushula
Bred by Jane
Williams (NC), owned by Kelly Copolo (NC)
Yes, we are the proud
owners of Beacon's Kaleigh, a sweet
pony that we bought this past spring for my daughter. Kaleigh
is a true delight and I'm finding I'm falling in love with her
more and more each day. Kelly, my daughter who is 9, absolutely
loves Kaleigh. These days they spend a lot of time together under
the persimmon tree just hanging out together while Kelly knocks
down persimmons for Kaleigh. What a pair! Kelly is not showing
Kaleigh yet but probably will in about a year or so. I'm not pushing.
Thank you so much for contacting us. This is such a wonderful
breed. A breed that I'm definitely sticking with! Cindy (Oct 09)
Foothills Freedom (born 5/29/98)
Bred by FFC, out of Appleberry
Acres Gabriel Owned by Pat Norton-White, Bloomville, NY
(full sister to Landsdown
Liberty Beacon, see above)
Winsome Sky, M1883 XXXVIII,
bay (born 4/25/98) photos
Bred by Donna Duckworth (FL), out of Balmullo's Celeste
Owned by Lorna Henard, TN
Beacon's Siobhan, M1819XXXVII, dk br/blk mare (1998 - 2018)
Out of Big Bear's MacCushula
(full sister to Mullarkey, Beacon's
Teago, & Beacon's
Bred by Jane
Williams (NC); owned by Peggy
Czwal, Tullahoma, TN
and Approved by the American Connemara Pony Society.
1st place - Purebred Yearlings, 2 & 3 yr olds,
ACPS Region 4 Show in Nashville, TN: July 1-2, 2000
Cassiopia, M1861XXXVIII,
dun mare (born June 1998) photos
Out of Blue
Hills Morning Star Bred by Donna Duckworth (FL); owned by Janet Hibel (FL)
Cassie's sire
and dam have both been inspected and approved by the American
Connemara Pony Society. ACPS
Award of Excellence in DressageACPS Gold Medallion in Hunters
Beacons Cherubim
Cathleen M 1893 XXXVIII,
bay (born 5/19/98) photos Cathleen has been
Inspected and Approved by the American Connemara Pony Society.
Out of Big Bear's Pegeen
Bred by Jane
Williams (NC); owned by Carla Jimmerson (GA)
Piper, M 1802 XXXVII,
15.0h dun (born 5/16/98)
Out of Pegeen's Quest
Bred by Jane
Williams (NC); owned by Maryellen Carbaugh
and Katja R. Lackey (DE)
Maggy, as well as both her sire and dam, have all been inspected
and approved by
the American Connemara Pony Society.
Out of Foothills River Queen
Bred by FFC; owned
by Deanne Haggard, Celina, TX
(full sister to Foothills
ACPS Gold Medallion in Driving ACPS Silver Medallion in In-Hand ACPS Bronze Medallion Hunter
Teasel 15.0h gray, USEA
ID: 112038 (born 5/18/97)
Bred by Elizabeth Hardison (VA), out of Wildflower's Toshi
Ridden by Courtney Street, Baton Rouge, LA
Champion Hopeful Jumpers (May 2009) ridden by Courtney Street.
sire and dam have both been inspected and approved by the American
Connemara Pony Society.
Raubacher from Delaware, who has been a working student with Danny
Warrington since June, found herself without a mount for the Seneca
Valley event, and mom Becky said, Oh, take Teasel [ Kents Teasel] and kick back and relax.
Teasel will love going cross country (training) and you know how
easy she is. Have some fun. At that time, Teasel hadn't
been worked for three weeks so everyone chipped in with trot work
during the weeks leading up to the event. Becky even drove the
hour and twenty minutes each way to North East, Maryland to help
trot Teasel. Conditioning was consistent, just different riders,
which was fine with Teasel.
Off Riley and Teasel went. Dressage was, ah, well, not something
they had worked on so Riley was satisfied with the results. Danny
took Riley to school for stadium, every jump was eaten up like
candy. Riley hadn't jumped Teasel more than a few times in the
past year and rarely more than 2' 6". In she goes to training
level stadium, they pulled their first rail, then Teasel stepped
up and flew high over everything. Cross country was the big delight.
We were able to stand in the observation tower and see almost
everything. The ride looked like so much fun. There was a slight
pause at the water, it did not count as a refusal, and Teasel
climbed over the roll top and down the drop and immediately back
in rythmn through the water and jump out. The ride continued up
banks, down banks, always Riley and Teasel looking for the next
When they finished Riley had a huge grin on her face. Did
you see that? Did you see that? A fat snaffle, loopy reins and
double clear. That was so much fun.
- Eventing at Training Level with Junior Rider, Valerie Tkacs
4th place at Oxbow
H.T. HT T JR RIDER Valerie Tkacs 07/16/2006
Becky Raubachers
KentsTeasel left St. Timothy's
School in Baltimore and is currently leased by Valerie Tkacs and
training with Danny Warrington. Teasel won her Beginner Novice division at St. Augustine early this spring, placed second in Novice
at the Fair Hill Starter Trials,
and placed sixth
in Training Level at Waredaca
on June 3. Becky says they are very proud of Teasel and Valerie,
as Valerie has only started eventing and Teasel takes very good
care of her, even schooling over a Prelim bank without batting
an eye!
News from Region III:
At the May Shawan Downs (MD) jumper show, Kent's
Teasel won reserve
champion, ridden by Kelly
Young from the Bahamas, a junior at the St. Timothy's School in
Stevenson, MD. Kelly rode Teasel in the 2'3"- 2'6" division.
(7/05) Foothills Juniper (born
6/6/97) photos
Bred by FFC, out of Blue Hills
Morning Star
Owned by Marian Caldwell, Lexington, KY
Juniper, as well as both her sire and dam, have all been inspected and approved
by the American Connemara Pony Society.
(full sister to Balmullo's
Geneva bay (born
Out of April
Bred and owned by Townsend Birdsong, Camp High Rocks (NC) High Rock's
Hannah 15.1h dun (born 5/15/96)
Out of Pumpkin
Bred and owned by Townsend Birdsong, Camp High Rocks (NC)
you have a Connemara or Conn-cross sired by Balmullo's Beacon,
please send us news & photo updates to include on these "Bubba
Babies" pages. This site is dedicated to you!